2010 HIBT Updates
The 2010 Race is On!On August 3 at 8:21 a.m., the first marlin tagged in the 2010 Great Marlin Race was released off the Kona coast, making it official. Estimated to weigh 150 lbs., the Pacific blue marlin was caught by angler Kerry Kurz and tagged by his brother Bob - who also happened to tag last year's winning fish! Their team, the Laguna Niguel Billfish Club #1, was fishing on board the Sea Baby III with Captain Doug Pattengill and crew Bill Dorr, and deployed the tag on behalf of WESPAC, who sponsored the tag. Just a few hours later their team mate Bob Dudley, on Laguna Niguel Billfish Club #2, hooked up with a 180 lb. marlin which was successfully tagged and released. The tag, co-sponsored by the two Laguna Niguel Billfish Club teams, was deployed by Boyd DeCito, Captain of the Foxy Lady. On the morning of August 4 a third tag, sponsored by Stephen Chow, was put out on a 170 lb. marlin. The fish was caught by Ron Rudy on the Alii Brothers Marlin Hui team, and tagged by crew member Jeff Metzler of Anxious, with Captain Neal Isaacs and crew Brian Schumaker. By the final day of the HIBT, only 3 tags were deployed - but 7 additional tags had been sponsored. So it was agreed that the additional tags will be deployed as quickly as possible, and all the sponsored tags will remain in the race. Since the race winner is determined by the distance traveled, all racers will still have an equal chance of winning. So check back for updates - as new teams will be added as additional tags are deployed! Click here to see a full-page map with the current tagging results. |