2010 HIBT Updates
Welcome to the 2010 Great Marlin Race!The Great Marlin Race 2010 has officially begun! We are hoping to deploy 15 tags this year, and we already have six teams competing - with more signing up each day. The results from 2009 were truly stunning, producing some of the longets tracks ever recorded on blue marlin! The winning marlin, sponsored by the Kurz Family honoring Robert E. Kurz Sr., traveled 2,225 nautical miles from Kona over the course of 93 days, with its tag popping off just east of the Marquesas Islands. (For more race results click here.) Starting on August 2 we'll be back out with the teams, putting out more electronic tags and hoping to learn more about these amazing fish - where they go and what they do. We'll be following the action and updating the site regularly, so check back often! Click here for the full-page Google Earth interactive map from the 2009 Race. |